
Isopropyl acetate

Product name:Isopropyl acetate

Product details
Product name  Isopropyl acetate
Alias  Acetic acid isopropyl ester; ISO-PROPYLE ACETATE; Iso-Propyl Acetate; 2-Acetoxypropane; propan-2-yl acetate; IPAC
CAS RN  108-21-4
EINECS No.  203-561-1
Molecular formula  C5H10O2
Molecular weight  102.1317
Dangerous mark   
Risk terminology  R11; R36/37/38;
Safety terminology  S16; S26; S36;
Physical and chemical properties  Properties Colorless transparent liquid with fruity odor.
 Boiling point 90℃ 
 Relative density 0.8718 
 Refractive index 1.3773 
 Melting point -73.4°C 
 Flash point 6℃ 
 Solubility Soluble in alcohol, ketone, ether and many organic solvents. Solubility in water at 20℃ is 2.9% (weight).
Uses  As solvent for coating, printing ink, and etc. As dehydrating agent in industry.
Structural formula

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